Numerical simulation of the gas phase flow field in inlet annular space of a guide vane cyclone tube 导叶式旋风管入口环形空间内气相流场数值模拟
By using isokinetic sampling method, the particle concentration distribution in the novel cyclone tube is measured and analyzed. 采用等动采样方法,对新型旋风管内的颗粒浓度场进行了测试与分析。
Effect of Particle Size Distribution of Inlet Particle on Separation Efficiency in Guide Vane Cyclone Tube 导叶式旋风管入口颗粒粒度分布对分离效率的影响
Experimental Study on Flow Pressure Drop Reduction of the Exit Tube in the Guide Vane Cyclone Tube; sectional flight conveyer 导叶式旋风管排气芯管内流动减阻的实验研究分组螺旋叶片式输送器
Guide vane parameters, vortex finder dimension, tube length and base plate dimension were also studied, and recommendation on cyclone tube configuration was given. 研究了叶片参数、芯管尺寸、长度尺寸和泄料盘尺寸等结构参数对旋风管性能的影响,提出了合理确定这些结构尺寸的建议,按此设计和使用将可获得较佳效果。
Measurement and analysis of flow field in dust hopper of PDC type cyclone tube PDC型旋风管灰斗内流场的测试与分析
Study on the Particle Separation Model in the Guide Vane Cyclone Tube 导叶式旋风管内颗粒分离模型的研究
Measurement and analyses of particle concentration distribution in PDC type of cyclone tube used in FCC unit 催化三旋用PDC型旋风管内颗粒浓度场的测试及分析
Study on cyclone tube for MULTICYCLONE SEPARATOR WITH HORIZONTAL TUBES 卧管式多管旋风分离器旋风管的研究
The flow field and the particle concentration distribution were measured in the two types of dust-exhaust structure of cyclone tube. 采用智能型五孔球探针测试技术及等动采样方法,对两种新型旋风管排尘结构内的流场及颗粒浓度场进行测量。
The gas flow in the PSC type cyclone tube was studied by experimental measurement and numerical simulation. 采用实验测量与数值模拟相结合的方法对PSC型旋风管内气相流动的三维流场进行了研究。
The newly developed PT type cyclone tube has been improved on designing the structure of entrance and matching configuration. 新研制的PT-Ⅲ型旋风管在入口型式、结构匹配上有较大的改进。
The analysis of flow field characteristic for cyclone tube without discharge pan 无泄料盘旋风管的流场特性分析
Gas Turbulence Flow in the Cyclone Tube 旋风管内气相的湍流运动特性
A detailed and systematical experiment on the flow pattern for Guide Vaned Cyclone Tube of EPVC-IB developed by the author has been carried out. 本文对我校自行研制的EPVC-IB型高效旋风管内流场进行了系统的测定。
The experimental results indicated that particle sizes had an effect on separation efficiency of cyclone tube, and also made a difference to grade efficiency. 实验结果表明:入口颗粒的粒度分布不但对旋风管的分离总效率有影响,而且对粒级效率也有较大影响;
Manufacturing method for the dust-exhaust cone of cyclone tube in three-stage cyclone separator 三级旋风分离器旋风单管排尘锥制造方法
In order to improve the separation mechanism of guide vane cyclone tube, the effect of particle size distribution of the SiO2 particles on the separation efficiency and grade efficiency was investigated. 为深入研究导叶式旋风管的分离机理,用不同粒度分布的SiO2颗粒对分离总效率与粒级效率进行了对比研究。
Based on the results of the experiment, the separation room in the cyclone tube can be divided into three regions: the inlet annular region, the cylinder separation region, the discharge and re-entrainment region. 根据实验结果可将旋风管的分离空间分为入口环形空间、柱形分离空间和排尘返混区3部分。
Based on the measurement of flow field, the particle concentration distribution in the PDC type cyclone tube was studied by isokinetic sampling method. 在流场测试的基础上,采用等动采样的原理,对PDC型旋风管内的颗粒浓度分布进行了全面系统地测试。
To make a quantitative analysis of the cyclone tube, the wear relationship model is established by means of multiple linear analysis of main affecting factors. 为定量研究旋流管的磨损问题,通过对几个主要影响因素的多元线性回归,建立了磨损量与磨损时间、砂粒粒径、体积含砂浓度及砂粒运动切向速度相关联的磨损关系模型。
Measurement and research on the turbulence parameters in the cyclone tube 旋风管内湍流运动参数的测量与研究
The experiment and analysis of the flow field for the guide vaned cylindrical cyclone tube 直筒型导叶式旋风管流场测定与分析
Research on particle concentration distribution in PDC type cyclone tube PDC型旋风管内颗粒浓度分布的实验研究
Effect of Exit Structure on the Separation Performance of the Guide Vane Cyclone Tube 排气结构对导叶式旋风管分离性能的影响
Research and development of PSC-300 high efficiency cyclone tube with large gas capacity PSC-300型大处理量高效旋风管的开发研究
Flow field analysis and configuration development on the PDC type high efficiency cyclone tube PDC型高效旋风管的流场分析及结构改进
On the basis of three-dimensional velocity field observation, the relationship between collection efficiency of straight-flow Cyclone tube with guide vanes and its principal structure parameters is presented. 用实测三维流场的方法,研究了导叶直流式旋流管的分离性能与旋流管主要结构参数的关系。
Experimental and numerical study of gas flow in PSC type cyclone tube PSC型旋风管内气相流动的实验与数值研究
The distribution of particle concentration in the PSC type cyclone tube PSC型旋风管分离空间内颗粒浓度分布